Chart Trendline To Trend Only Specific Values.Determine The Percentage Rate Of Change In A Trendline.Get Values For Trendline To Populate In Cells?.Excel Split A Curve And Fit Trendline Using VBA.Formula To Represent Trendline And R2 Value.how I can get the output from linest to be the same as the trendline? View 4 Replies The coefficients from linest seem to be way out. I change the index column number as appropriate to get the coefficients: However, I want to use the linest function and I am using the formula: The plotted line seems to fit the data fairly well. When I plot a curve and fit a trendline I get the coefficients for the equation ax^2+bx+c I am trying to fit a quadratic function to this data. Linest Different From Trendline Jan 22, 2009